Login to a Web Application With JMeter

If you are developer then it is your sole responsibility to analyze the behaviour of your web application under load testing. So we are going to create a test plan for most important step of web application “LOGIN”. Let’s start. Create a new Test Plan and name it “Login”. Now we will create a User Defined Variable. Click on “Add” name: site value: example.com // your web application name We will use this variable in our HTTP request sampler. Now we …

Basics of JMeter

What is Jmeter ? JMeter is pure java open source software which was developed by Stefano Mazzocchi of the Apache Software Foundation. It is used to test the Performance of web applications . Performance Testing of Web Application means – we test if a single user hits the website then what will be the performance and if multiple user hit the same website then what will be performance. Mainly in performance testing we check the load a website can take. …

Java 8 – Lambda Expressions Primer

Java is object oriented programing language i.e. everything in java revolves around the object. In Java all the functions and variables are the part of Classes and we have to use object of that class to invoke the same. some other languages like  C, JavaScript are functional programming languages. Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages being used. It has about 10 million users.  Java 8 is the latest release for Java that contains new features, enhancements …

MD5 & SHA Hashing Algorithm

Overview on MD5 Algorithm The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a 128 bit (16-byte) hash value. It is very simple and straight forward; the basic idea is to map data sets of variable length to data sets of a fixed length. After using MD5, generated hash is typically a 32-digit hexadecimal number .In order to do this, the input message is split into chunks of 512-bit blocks. Now these blocks are processed by …

Spark Micro Framework

When we think about development using java frameworks, first things that come to our mind are huge frameworks with tedious configuration with a lot of redundant code. Spark reduces these problems very effectively, It is one of the main reasons behind its growth and popularity in the Java Web Development World. INTRODUCTION Recent trend  has emerged as Java micro framework. Micro Frameworks provide very powerful and lightweight tools as comparison to massive features of JAVA EE and frameworks like Spring. …