Barebone Automated Testing

Minimalism in automated testing can be attained by following KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) Most of the times, in the process of making the code and application testable, the code written for testing is dependent on very heavy libraries, don’t get me wrong, these are good libraries however every aspect of it is not needed and introducing it in the code results in slowing the process considerably. So how do we make our testing efficient? Test the server-side API/routes using …


First of all, let’s go through the high-level definition of Agile Methodology. Agile says that shift the product incrementally every few days instead of waiting for the whole project to get complete & then release. Agile has releases on a regular basis. EPIC AND USER STORY are the two basic terms of Agile Methodology. EPIC Epic is a large work item. It cannot be delivered within a single iteration or it’s large enough that it can be split into smaller …