Managing a subdomain system in Node.js

Managing a subdomain system in Node.js and MongoDB involves handling the creation, configuration, and management of subdomains dynamically within your application. Here’s an outline of the steps you can follow to implement a subdomain management system: 1. Database Schema: Design a MongoDB schema to store subdomain-related information, such as subdomain name, associated user, settings, and any additional data you require. It will take two databases Product (main) Sub-domain (client) Connect db and load model with db name like that … …

Revolutionizing Precious Metal E-Commerce: Agami Technologies’ Dynamic Spot Prices

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of precious metal e-commerce, staying ahead of the game is essential. Agami Technologies has stepped up to the plate with a groundbreaking feature that’s changing the way we buy and sell gold, silver, and platinum. Dynamic Spot Prices have taken the industry by storm, offering traders and investors an invaluable tool to make informed decisions in real-time. The Power of Real-Time Data The concept of “spot prices” is well-known to anyone involved in precious metal …

Empowering Rehabilitation Centers with Agami Technologies Comprehensive EMR Solution!

Electronic Medical Records (EMR), in the ever-changing field of healthcare, have become indispensable to both effective patient care and modern healthcare operations. The transformational effect of EMR systems is also evident in rehabilitation centers, which are devoted to aiding patients in their recovery from illnesses, operations, and injuries. Agami Technologies, a pioneer in medical technology, has created an amazing EMR system especially for rehab facilities. This article discusses the critical role that EMRs play in rehabilitation facilities, presents the innovative …

Simple Chat App;

Hi guys, this would be a 🤞simple tutorial to create a 🤞simple chat app. You know, an application where you can type a message and it pops up on some other computer, yes that one. Well we will try to make it as simple as we can. I’m assuming that you are aware of NodeJS and you have used it before. Well because we would be using NodeJS and a library called for our endeavor. So let’s get started …

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

What is Amazon SES ? Amazon SES is an email platform that provides an easy, cost-effective way for you to send and receive email using your own email addresses and domains.With Amazon SES, you can send transactional email, marketing messages, or any other type of high-quality content to your customers. Every Amazon SES account has its own set of sending limits. These limits are: Sending quota—the maximum number of recipients that you can send email to in a 24-hour period. …

Axios for Node.js

What is Axios Axios is a promise based HTTP client for browser and node.js; it can be used on server side and client side (Browser) to interact with API (Application Programming Interface to send request from the browser and node.js server to other API and get a response). On client side(Browser) Axios uses XMLHttpRequests and On server-side it uses http module Installing Axios in your node.js project $ npm install axios How to use axios get request const axios = require(‘axios’);let userID = …

Postfix (Send Only) & Nodemailer for testing

What is Postfix?It is Wietse Venema’s mail server that started life at IBM research as an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. Now at Google, Wietse continues to support Postfix.Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure. The outside has a definite Sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different. What is Nodemailer?It is a module for Node.js applications to allow easy as cake email sending. The project got started back in 2010 when there was no sane option …

Express Middleware

A middleware is just like a function and generally takes 3 parameters. These are loaded with code that could manipulate the parameters that are passed. The parameter used in any middleware is the request object,  the response object, and the next function or middleware which are more commonly denoted as req, res, and next respectively.  Generally, middleware is used when we would want to perform some operation before sending the data back to the client. Now let’s set up our …

{ REST : API }

Let us suppose we have a server that is hosting the information about the student. If a client, say a web/android app needs the information regarding the student, then the client must request the server for the resource and the server should send back the response to the client. API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface which allows clients and servers to talk to each other.  Key Elements Request URL/Endpoint: Request URL is the address of the resource where …


What is Sequelize? Sequelize is a javascript library used in NodeJS as ORM to access relational database schemas as objects.  The library is written entirely in Javascript to be used in NodeJS environment.   Features Sequelize is used in NodeJS and is available via npm. Sequelize is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) It provides easy access to various databases like MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, or PostgreSQL. It has good support for database synchronization, eager loading, associations, transactions and migrations. It is …